The Korean Dilemma: Assuming Perfectibility but Recognizing Moral Frailty 

Vol. 22,  No. 2, pp. 287-304, Dec.  2019


For centuries a question at the core of Korean philosophical and religious thinking has been how to reconcile the recognition of moral frailty with the assumption that human beings have the ability to become morally perfect. One Buddhist solution has been to call for the gradual replacement of pre-enlightenment habits with moral habits after becoming enlightened to one’s own Buddha nature. Confucians have instead focused on managing the relationship between innate moral tendencies and equally innate selfish emotions. Christians offered another solution to this conundrum: dropping the assumption that human beings on their own can achieve moral perfection and instead focusing on relying to God’s help to overcome moral frailty. Indigenous new religions have proposed yet another solution: waiting for the unfavorable conditions that prevail in the world today to change so that it will be easier to act the way we know we should act. None of these proposed solutions satisfy everyone. As a result, Koreans continue their search for a way to explain, and overcome, moral failure while maintaining confidence in their ability to do so.

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[IEEE Style]

D. Baker, "The Korean Dilemma: Assuming Perfectibility but Recognizing Moral Frailty," Academia Koreana, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 287-304, 2019. DOI: 10.18399/acta.2019.22.2.005.

[ACM Style]

Don Baker. 2019. The Korean Dilemma: Assuming Perfectibility but Recognizing Moral Frailty. Academia Koreana, 22, 2, (2019), 287-304. DOI: 10.18399/acta.2019.22.2.005.

[APA Style]

Baker, D. (2019). The Korean Dilemma: Assuming Perfectibility but Recognizing Moral Frailty. Academia Koreana, 22(2), 287-304. DOI: 10.18399/acta.2019.22.2.005.

[MLA Style]

Don Baker. "The Korean Dilemma: Assuming Perfectibility but Recognizing Moral Frailty." Academia Koreana, vol. 22, no. 2, 2019, pp. 287-304. doi:10.18399/acta.2019.22.2.005

[HAVARD Style]

Don Baker (2019) 'The Korean Dilemma: Assuming Perfectibility but Recognizing Moral Frailty', Academia Koreana, 22(2), pp. 287-304. doi:10.18399/acta.2019.22.2.005

[ACS Style]

Baker, D.. Academia Koreana 22 2019, 287-304. 10.18399/acta.2019.22.2.005

[ABNT Style]

Baker, D.. The Korean Dilemma: Assuming Perfectibility but Recognizing Moral Frailty. Academia Koreana, v. 22, n. 2, p. 287-304, 2019. DOI: 10.18399/acta.2019.22.2.005

[Chicago Style]

Don Baker. "The Korean Dilemma: Assuming Perfectibility but Recognizing Moral Frailty." Academia Koreana 22, no. 2 (2019): 287-304. doi:10.18399/acta.2019.22.2.005


Don Baker. "The Korean Dilemma: Assuming Perfectibility but Recognizing Moral Frailty." Academia Koreana 22, no. 2 (2019): 287-304. 10.18399/acta.2019.22.2.005


Don Baker. The Korean Dilemma: Assuming Perfectibility but Recognizing Moral Frailty [Academia Koreana]. 2019;22:287-304. DOI:10.18399/acta.2019.22.2.005

[Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)]


