A Mid-Spring Night's Dream: Collecting Poems for A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring 

Vol. 24,  No. 1, pp. 49-75, Jun.  2021


This study focuses on the cultural and social context of A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring (Mongyu towŏn to [inline-graphic 01]) the only extant work by An Kyŏn [inline-graphic 02], the best-known painter of early Chosŏn, to show the manner of its production and function. The painting was a pictorial addition to the sich'uk[inline-graphic 03], a mounted scroll of poems, created to praise Prince Anp'yŏng ([inline-graphic 04]) and interpret the significance of his dream in which he visited Peach Blossom Spring, a legendary place invented by the Chinese poet Tao Qian [inline-graphic 05]. The prince presented a dream record, an accepted literary form at a time when there was a general belief in the prophetic meaning of dreams, and required twenty-one celebrated writers to compose eulogistic poems to accompany the painting, which served as a visual description of his dream. The poets wrote in such a way as to allow the viewer to repeatedly imagine the Peach Blossom Spring. As such, the painting functioned as visual inspiration for the twenty-one writers and became an ornament for their poems. By revealing the process of making the sich'uk and the effect of the dream record, this study re-evaluates the content, style, and composition of A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring.

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[IEEE Style]

K. Youenhee, "A Mid-Spring Night's Dream: Collecting Poems for A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring," Academia Koreana, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 49-75, 2021. DOI: 10.18399/acta.2021.24.1.003.

[ACM Style]

Kho Youenhee. 2021. A Mid-Spring Night's Dream: Collecting Poems for A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring. Academia Koreana, 24, 1, (2021), 49-75. DOI: 10.18399/acta.2021.24.1.003.

[APA Style]

Youenhee, K. (2021). A Mid-Spring Night's Dream: Collecting Poems for A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring. Academia Koreana, 24(1), 49-75. DOI: 10.18399/acta.2021.24.1.003.

[MLA Style]

Kho Youenhee. "A Mid-Spring Night's Dream: Collecting Poems for A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring." Academia Koreana, vol. 24, no. 1, 2021, pp. 49-75. doi:10.18399/acta.2021.24.1.003

[HAVARD Style]

Kho Youenhee (2021) 'A Mid-Spring Night's Dream: Collecting Poems for A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring', Academia Koreana, 24(1), pp. 49-75. doi:10.18399/acta.2021.24.1.003

[ACS Style]

Youenhee, K.. Academia Koreana 24 2021, 49-75. 10.18399/acta.2021.24.1.003

[ABNT Style]

Youenhee, K.. A Mid-Spring Night's Dream: Collecting Poems for A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring. Academia Koreana, v. 24, n. 1, p. 49-75, 2021. DOI: 10.18399/acta.2021.24.1.003

[Chicago Style]

Kho Youenhee. "A Mid-Spring Night's Dream: Collecting Poems for A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring." Academia Koreana 24, no. 1 (2021): 49-75. doi:10.18399/acta.2021.24.1.003


Kho Youenhee. "A Mid-Spring Night's Dream: Collecting Poems for A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring." Academia Koreana 24, no. 1 (2021): 49-75. 10.18399/acta.2021.24.1.003


Kho Youenhee. A Mid-Spring Night's Dream: Collecting Poems for A Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Spring [Academia Koreana]. 2021;24:49-75. DOI:10.18399/acta.2021.24.1.003

[Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)]


