@article{M224925CE, title = "“Yŏngdong Nongak”: Mountains, Music, and the SamulNori Canon", journal = "Academia Koreana", year = "2009", issn = "1520-7412", doi = "10.18399/acta.2009.12.1.001", author = "Nathan Hesselink", keywords = "samul nori, Kangnŭng Nongak, “Yŏngdong Nongak, ” p’ungmul, composition", abstract = "This article outlines the compositional development of the piece “Yŏngdong Nongak” for samul nori ensemble. Based on fieldwork conducted with Kangnŭng Nongak during the summer of 2006, the author describes the process by which he transformed a regionally based, communally oriented group dance performance into a smaller scale, presentational, and musically focused event for the concert-hall stage. The primary goals of this project were to bring a long overdue appreciation to the yŏngdong region and its musical practices, and to stimulate a revival of new works written for the traditional percussion quartet while building on the established canon." }