@article{M3485ED45, title = "North Korean Hip Hop? Reflections on Musical Diplomacy and the DPRK", journal = "Academia Koreana", year = "2009", issn = "1520-7412", doi = "10.18399/acta.2009.12.2.001", author = "Adam Cathcart", keywords = "Cultural diplomacy, New York Philharmonic, socialist culture, Western orchestral music in East Asia, Kim Jong Il and opera, Lohengrin, rap music", abstract = "This article analyzes the effectiveness of classical music diplomacy toward the DPRK as seen in the New York Philharmonic visit of 2008. After contextualizing the role of the symphony orchestra with reference to North Korea and engaging with some questions of theory and orchestral program, the article goes on to suggest that popular music, specifically rap music, is likely to have a much more lasting impact in the DPRK. As such, the article enters into debates about North Korean cultural identity, U.S. foreign policy (particularly “soft power” directed at the DPRK), and musical practices on the Korean peninsula." }