@article{MEED6D714, title = "Translation and Textual Criticism: Typographical Mistakes in Modern Korean Poems", journal = "Academia Koreana", year = "2021", issn = "1520-7412", doi = "10.18399/acta.2021.24.2.003", author = "Wook-Dong Kim", keywords = "Modern Korean poems, translation criticism, textual criticism, typographical mistakes in source text", abstract = "This article explores the extent to which textual slips, particularly typographical mistakes, featured in the source text have largely been ignored in translation criticism. This has tended to gloss over the possibility of the source text being corrupted, i.e., featuring genuine mistakes, thus producing mistranslations. Citing English (mis)translations of some renowned Korean poems, the article argues that translation criticism and assessment should pay more attention not only to the translated text but also to the typographical mistakes in the original text as a serious subject of research. A meticulous textual criticism must precede any serious translation, and this principle is undoubtedly applicable to literary translation as well as to technical translation." }